Thursday, February 18, 2010

ECig vs Smoking? We'll See...

I started learning about ecigs a while ago. I use this metaverse thing called SecondLife. You can look that part up on your own if your bored or want to know more about what I do.

This blog will be used for my journey, and information I've found out through my journey of vaping and hopefully quitting smoking.

So, the first time I heard about the e-cig? I was typing away with a few friends and one of them mentioned "Sh*# I just spilled liquid nicotine on my hands!"
My first thoughts were --wth!!! How the hell do you spill... wait... how did you get liquid nic-- huh?!

So this person went on to explain what an ecig was. I pretty much put it out of my mind for approximately 5 months. My husband came home from work one evening and mentioned this whole 'ecig fad' to me... definitely in effort to get me to quit smoking. Again I put it out of my mind for about another week.

My daughter (who is 10 years old) mentioned to me in the car that she was teased at school for smelling like cigarette smoke. She also mentioned it wasn't the first time. I turned this over in my head a few times. And a few more. I grew up in a smoker's home. I turned out okay. I think it was more acceptable when I was a child though. To smell like smoke, that is. Loads of people smoked then. Not so much now.

And so, the decision was made to try 'vaping' (what ecig users call puffing on an ecig -- it is definitely NOT smoking). I said try. Not commit. But I would try.

Went home and promptly started my research. No, I won't be listing every single one of my findings here. I can't. It's impossible to consolidate it all into one source because YMMV! (Your mileage may vary)

I ordered a starter kit from -- DO NOT DO THIS.
I should let you know, I'm an impatient person. I couldn't wait. I went to the Smoke Shop the day after I placed my order and bought a disposable ecig for 20 dollars. -- Do this if you aren't sure.

I was impressed. It tasted like a cigarette. It felt a little heavy in my hand but that's something we can get used to. The difference between a short, and a 100. Or even a 120. We get used to these things. The packaging said it would last 300 puffs. Well, that all depends on how you smoke or drag or puff.. choose the word you like to use... it lasted me (a pack and a half smoker of Marlboro Light 100s in a box, if you please) a day and into the evening.

Still quite impressed and STILL quite impatient, the next day I went to the gas station and bought their version of an ecig. Called a "Gamucci" for $75.00USD. DO NOT DO THIS!
It was good. Then it was okay. Then I am still impatient and convinced my mother to purchase a different brand from a different gas station. The next one was called the NJOY. She didn't like it. (I kind of sort of knew she wouldn't) so she gave it to me. DO NOT DO THIS EITHER! It was $30.00USD.

Finally, the Blu arrived. The Blu ecig. I had quite a few issues at first. But damnit I am trying. Trying. Tryi----going online to find something better with more vapor action. More like smoking? Not quite. But more.. vapor. More battery time. For a pack and a half a day smoker, the blu will NOT do. It just won't. Please. I know we just met, but I am begging you to trust me on this.

Go straight to and either purchase a Titan 510, or a Tornado right off. Don't bother with the rest. They will not satisfy you if you are a heavy smoker and you will give up right away. While I may be impatient, I am persistant too. I want this to work for me. For my family.

It may seem a bit pricey at first. It truly might. However, if you can be satisfied the first go round, you'll be better off. And have a better chance at switching from analogs (what ecig users call regular cigarettes) to the ecig.

For now, I'm going to end. Hopefully, along with this journey, I learn and live. Live and learn. And add time to that living and learning by vaping instead of smoking.


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